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Natural Unisex Seven Chakra Bracelet For Opening All 7 Chakras



– These 7 kinds of multi colour stones depict the seven chakras of the human body. Each stone is associated with a certain body part and supports overall health.

– ‘MULADHARA’ is the first chakra, reflects stability and security. Also known as Root chakra located at the base of the spine. When this chakra is blocked or under-active, you might find yourself feeling weak, anxious, or dissatisfied with yourself or your body. Color- Red.

– “SVADHISTHANA’ (Sacral chakra) is the second chakra, it is related to creativity, passion, pleasure and sexuality. When this chakra is disturbed, you might feel agitated and aggressive. It also affects decision making and self-confidence. Colour- Orange.

– ‘MANIPURA’ chakra (Solar plexus) is the third one. Situated between, Bellybutton and breast bone. It is related to self-esteem, willpower and ego. Due to disturbance on the solar plexus, one can see the world with a pessimist’s eye. You might struggle with self-esteem. Also, you can feel low or like a victim in all the situations around you. Colour- Yellow.

– The fourth chakra is ‘ANAHATA’ chakra or Heart chakra. It unites the upper and lower chakras of the body and is responsible for love, affection and connection to the world. An open heart chakra will give off feelings of graciousness, harmony, appreciation for beauty, and love in all its forms. Color-Green.

– The fifth one is ‘VISHUDDHA’ or Throat chakra. This chakra is associated with the communication and expression of your feelings. It helps unlock our deepest emotions and unravel the higher truths in life. A blocked chakra will create self-doubt and fear of judgement. Colour- Blue.

– “AJANA’ or Third Eye, is the sixth chakra. Located between the eyebrows this chakra is related to intuition, wisdom and consciousness. A blocked third eye chakra can lead to fear of the unfamiliar and get in the way of self-reflection. Colour- Indigo.

– The seventh chakra is located at the crown of your head is known as ‘SAHASRARA’ or Crown chakra. Closely associated with spiritual connection and self-awareness. As root chakra connects us with earth, similarly crown chakra connects with the universe. The open crown chakra helps find spiritual self and for the greater good, it disconnects you with the habit or matter which are not good for you. Colour- Purple.

– Seven chakra, protects you from negative vibrations by keeping your spirit high in all situations. Specifically, it helps to attain physical and emotional balance. The attractive seven colours grab attention and go perfectly with your everyday style.

– If you feel that you have a specific chakra that is blocked then choose a bracelet that focuses on that chakra to make it open. 

Original, certified Seven Chakra bracelet with different stones. Attractive glossy beads, neatly woven, with strong elasticated thread for good grip. These multicolour gems have cool look which would easily gel up with your everyday style. This bracelet comes in an attractive Velvet string pouch which makes it easy to keep safe.

This is a handmade, make to order product. Bought products would be dispatched within 7 working days.

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When it comes to sustainability of unisex bracelets, here are some considerations:

  1. Material: The sustainability of a bracelet depends largely on the materials it's made from. Look for bracelets made from eco-friendly materials such as recycled metals, sustainably sourced wood, natural fibers like cotton or hemp, or upcycled materials like bicycle inner tubes or plastic bottles. Avoid materials that are known to be harmful to the environment, such as leather or exotic animal skins.

  2. Production: Consider the production methods used to make the bracelet. Look for bracelets made by companies that prioritize sustainable and ethical production practices, such as using renewable energy sources, recycling waste materials, and minimizing water usage.

  3. Packaging: Pay attention to the packaging of the bracelet. Ideally, the packaging should be made from eco-friendly materials, or even better, the bracelet should come with minimal packaging at all.

  4. End of Life: Consider what happens to the bracelet once it reaches the end of its life. Look for bracelets that can be recycled or repurposed. Alternatively, if the bracelet is made from natural materials, it can be composted or returned to the earth.

  5. Style and Versatility: Choose a bracelet that you love and that will last for a long time. Consider the style and versatility of the bracelet, so that you can wear it with a variety of outfits and on different occasions. This will increase the likelihood that you'll wear the bracelet for a long time, reducing the need to replace it frequently.

Overall, when looking for sustainable unisex bracelets, prioritize materials, production practices, packaging, end of life options, and style and versatility. By considering these factors, you can choose a bracelet that not only looks great, but also aligns with your values and reduces your environmental impact.

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