Excessive use of chemical fertilizers has seriously impaired soil fertility, leading to a decline in grain production. Research shows that the overuse of these fertilizers has drained the soil of organic carbon, negatively impacting its fertility.
To address this threat, the adoption of Bio-Enriched Manure offers a promising solution. This organic alternative is abundant in carbon, essential for the soil, and also rich in NPK (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium). By incorporating Bio-Enriched Manure into agricultural practices, soil organic carbon levels are balanced, preserving optimum productivity and soil fertility.
Specifications of Bio-Enriched Manure:
Potassium as K20: 1.5%
Nitrogen as N: 2.0%
Phosphorous as P2O5: 0.51%
Zinc as Zn: 115 mg/kg
Calcium as C: 2.5%
Magnesium as Mg: 1.0%
Sulphur as S: 1.2%
Iron as Fe: 400 mg/kg
Organic Carbon: 36.5%
C:N Ratio: 18.3:1
Bulk Density: 0.88
pH: 7.4
Moisture Content: 30%
Beneficial Bacteria Tests: Total Viable Bacterial Count as N Bacteria: 1.1 x 10^6 CFU/gm, Total Viable Bacterial Count as P Bacteria: 1.1 x 10^6 CFU/gm.
Unique benefits of Bio-Enriched Manure:
Enhances the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil.
Improves soil structure, air circulation, and water retention capacity.
Prevents nutrient leaching and ensures nutrient retention around plant roots.
Provides essential micronutrients and macronutrients for healthy plant growth.
Microbes in the manure help decompose crop residues, enhancing soil texture and nutrient availability.
Increases crop yield and improves the quality of various crops, including field, vegetable, tree, and fruit crops.
Can be easily applied as base-dressing or top-dressing.
Improves alkaline, saline, and sodic soils.
Supports root growth by enhancing soil structure.
Ultimately, enhances crop yield by improving soil fertility and structure.
Suitable for all types of crops, orchards, vegetable gardens, kitchen gardens, and flower beds.
Requires significantly lower quantities compared to Farm Yard Manure and press mud compost.
Incorporating Bio-Enriched Manure into agricultural practices offers a sustainable and effective approach to revitalize soil fertility while promoting healthier crop growth.
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