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Dasheri Mango Grafted Sapling


Variety: Dasheri

Scientific Name: Mangifera indica

Fruit Type: Mango

Suitable for: Outdoor Cultivation

Additional Requirements: Adequate Watering

Color: Green

Recommended Storage: Keep in a Cool and Dry Environment

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In the 18th century, the Dasheri mango variety initially graced the gardens of the Nawab of Lucknow. Since that time, Dasheri plants have been cultivated and distributed across various regions of India. The inhabitants of Dasheri village near Kakori, Uttar Pradesh, are the custodians of the original plant, which dates back to the orchards of Mohammad Ansar Zaidi. This venerable plant, believed to be approximately 200 years old, yields fruit in alternate years. While the size of its fruit may be smaller in comparison to its grafted counterparts, its unparalleled flavor and captivating aroma set it apart. The continuous care of the plant is entrusted to Zaidi’s descendants, and it is often affectionately known as “the Mother Dasehri.”


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Tree saplings play a crucial role in maintaining environmental sustainability through                    various mechanisms and benefits. Here are 10 points that highlight their sustainability:

Tree saplings actively absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas concentrations.

Saplings contribute to the creation and maintenance of diverse ecosystems, providing habitats for various species of plants, animals, and insects.

The roots of tree saplings bind soil together, reducing erosion and preventing the loss of valuable topsoil, which is essential for maintaining fertile lands.

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