Azosprillium is an associated aerophilic micro-organism which fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to the plants. Azosprillium culture also synthesize some amount of active substances like vitamins, IAA, Gibberellins and Nicotinic acid which helps in seed germination, early emergence and better root growth and development. Azosprillium colonization is mainly on the root surface, enhance mineral and water uptake. They also conserve water in field.
Target crops:
Cereals (Wheat, Paddy, Maize, and Barley etc.), Millets (Jowar, Bajra, etc.), Mono cot vegetables (Onion, Garlic), and Fruit plants (Pineapple).
Benefits to the crop:
It fixes 20 – 40 kg Nitrogen /Ha in non-leguminous plants. Increase ability by inducing abundant roots under upland condition, stimulates plant growth. Increase in numbers and length of lateral roots, root area. More plant growth, improvement in water and mineral uptake and water conservation in the field.
Method of application and dosage:
•Seed Treatment – Mix 4 – 5 ml in 50 – 100 ml of water, mix thoroughly with the seed and shade drying for 1 hour before sowing the treated seed.
•Seedlings Treatment– Mix 4 – 5 ml per lit. of water. A solution of Azosprillium is prepared; seedlings are dipped in this solution for about 30 minutes before transplanting.
•Soil Application – Mix 500ml – 1.0 lit/acre of in 40-50 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast in the field before sowing or broadcast up to 45 days after sowing in standing crop and irrigate the field.
•Drip irrigation – Mix 500 ml – 1.0 lit /Acre in 100 lit.of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.
•Incompatible to the chemical Bactericide (antibiotic) coated on the seed. To get better results of bio-products, do not mix with any chemical pesticides. Alternate spray of chemical pesticides after consulting the company officials.
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