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Roof Top Sunflower Gardening Services, Bengaluru


Location of the property is in Bengaluru. Payments can be made online, and the service will be conducted offline. The expected duration of the service is 3 weeks.

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Location of the property is in Bengaluru. Payments can be made online, and the service will be conducted offline. The expected duration of the service is 3 weeks.


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A vegetable roofing system, also known as a green or vegetative roof, is a sustainable and environmentally friendly roofing solution that involves growing vegetation on the roof surface. The sustainability of such a system depends on several factors:

Noise Reduction:

The vegetation and substrate layers on the roof can act as sound barriers, reducing external noise levels within the building.

Local Food Production:

In some cases, rooftop gardens can be cultivated with edible plants, contributing to local food production and reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation.

Community Engagement:

Vegetable roofs can serve as educational tools, raising awareness about sustainable practices and encouraging community involvement.

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