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Original price was: ₹100.0.Current price is: ₹80.0.

Divine Earth Vedic aata chakkis stone grinded flour are a healthier choice as compared to commercial available rolling mill flours. Commercialy available flour are grinded in high speed pulverizer and chemically bleached emery stone chakkis whose RPM varies from 350-2800 , flour made in such mills gets heated up and there is significant loss of nutrition.Additonaly many preservatives are also added to preserve the flour for long. We at Divine Earth, grind our flour in natural stone vedic aata chakki which operates at very low rpm of 70-80 hence the flour made is cold and retains all nutrients. Additonaly we promote Ancient (Several thousand year old ) varities of wheat like Emmer (Khapli), Bansi & Sonamoti which has low gluten and high fibre and they have never been hybridized.Such varieties of wheat is good as it prevents stomach related problmes occuring due to modern wheat डिवाइन एअर्थ के वैदिक आटा चक्की द्वारा निर्मित आटे बाजार में मिलने वाले एवं मोहल्लो की आटा चककिओ का एक स्वास्थवर्धक विकल्प है। बाजार के आटे उच्च गति (350 -2800 आरपीएम ) से चलने वाले पल्वरीज़ेर एवं केमिकलली ब्लीचेड एमरी पथ्हर की चक्की में पिसे जाते है। इन चककिओ में आटा गरम होता है और अपने पोषक तत्त्व खो देता है साथी ही आटे को ताज़ा रखने के लिए प्रेसेर्वटिवेस मिलाए जाते ह। वही दूसरी ओर डिवाइन अर्थ के आटे वैदिक आटा चाकी जिसमे कुदरती पत्थर होता है , द्वारा काम गति (70 -80) आरपीएम पर पिसे जाते है। वैदिक चक्की में पिसा आटा ठंडा होता है और उसके पोषक तत्त्व बने रहते ह। इसके अलावा हम गेहू की प्राचीन (हज़ारो साल पुरानी ) प्रजातियां जो आज तक ह्यब्रिडीज़ नै हुई है जैसे खप्ली, बंसी , सोनामोति के सेवन को बढ़ावा देते है क्यूंकि इनमे ग्लूटेन काम और फाइबर ज्यादा होता है जोकि आपको गेहू से होने वाली पेट की समस्या से बचाता है।

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1 kg, 5 Kg


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  1. Environmental Benefits:

    • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Beans and pulses are nitrogen-fixing crops that improve soil fertility and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Water conservation: Compared to many other crops, beans and pulses generally require less water for cultivation, making them more water-efficient.
    • Reduced pesticide use: Organic atta is made from organically grown grains, which means they are cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides or genetically modified organisms, thus reducing the environmental impact of chemical inputs.
  2. Biodiversity Conservation:

    • Crop rotation: Beans and pulses are often part of crop rotation systems, which help break disease cycles, improve soil health, and enhance biodiversity on farms.
    • Habitat preservation: Organic farming practices, including the cultivation of beans, pulses, and grains for atta, typically promote the preservation of natural habitats, supporting diverse ecosystems.
  3. Soil Health:

    • Nitrogen fixation: Beans and pulses have a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use, enriching the soil with nitrogen and reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.
    • Organic matter and carbon sequestration: Leguminous crops like beans and pulses contribute to soil organic matter, enhancing soil structure, water-holding capacity, and carbon sequestration.
  4. Health and Nutrition:

    • Nutrient-rich: Beans and pulses are excellent sources of plant-based proteins, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, contributing to a balanced and nutritious diet.
    • Reduced chemical exposure: Organic atta made from grains cultivated without synthetic pesticides reduces the risk of chemical residues in the final product.

To maximize the sustainability benefits of beans, pulses, and organic atta, it is important to consider factors such as responsible sourcing, efficient supply chains, reduced food waste, and supporting local and small-scale farmers who adopt sustainable practices.

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