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Hingot Fruit – Dronapushpi. – Hinguputra


Product Details:

Minimum Order Quantity 50 Kilogram
Packaging Type Polythene Bag
Packaging Size As per Customer Specification
Botanical Name Dronapushpi.
Usage/Application Ayurveda
Grade Standard Medicine Grade
Dried Yes
Is It Dried Dried
Brand Sinhal
Variety Fruit
0 out of 5
SKU: IDOPHHF014 Categories: , , Tags: , ,
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Balanites Aegyptiaca Details:

  • Sanskrit Name: Tapasadruma, Angaravrksa, Hinguputra
  • English Name: Desert Date, Egyptian myrobalan, soap berry
  • Cultivation: This species is probably native to Egypt and is globally distributed from Tropical Africa to India and Myanmar
  • Within India, it is found throughout the drier parts of Punjab to West Bengal, Rajasthan, and Peninsular India
  • Medicinal uses: The fruit can cure mouth ulcer, whooping cough, sleeping sickness and skin diseases
  • Fruit kernel has been found as a mild laxative, an antidote to arrow poison, and also acts as a vermiform



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The sustainability of organic herbal fruits can depend on several factors, including the farming practices used to grow the fruits, the environmental conditions in the region where they are grown, and the demand for these fruits in the market.

Organic farming practices are generally considered to be more sustainable than conventional farming practices because they prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and natural pest control methods. Organic farmers also tend to use fewer synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can reduce the risk of soil and water pollution.

In terms of environmental conditions, the sustainability of organic herbal fruits can depend on the availability of water, sunlight, and nutrients, as well as the climate and soil type in the region where they are grown. Some herbal fruits may also require specific growing conditions, such as a certain temperature range or soil pH, which can impact their sustainability.

Finally, the demand for organic herbal fruits can also impact their sustainability. If there is a high demand for these fruits, farmers may be more likely to prioritize quantity over quality or may resort to unsustainable farming practices to meet demand. However, if there is a moderate demand for these fruits, farmers may be able to prioritize sustainability and quality over quantity.

Overall, the sustainability of organic herbal fruits can vary depending on several factors, and it is important to consider these factors when evaluating the sustainability of specific fruits or farming practices.

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