Indian Kudzu – Pueraria tuberosa is an Ayurvedic herb used for the treatment of hepatic diseases, discoloration of the skin, fever, to improve the breast milk and as general tonic and improve the body mass.
- Latin name- Pueraria tuberosa
- Hindi name: Vidarikanda, Bidari Kand, Bidhari Kand
- English name: Indian kudzu
- Assamese name: Bhedeleton, Bhuikumra
- Bengali name: Vidari, Bhumikushmanda, Bhuinkumra
- Gujarati name: Vidarikanta, Bhonykoru, Eagio, Bhoikolu, Sakharvel
- Kannada name: Nelagumbala Gudde, Gumadi gida
- Malayalam name: Mudakku
- Marathi name: Bhuikohala, Ghodvel
- Oriya name: Bhuiankakharu
- Punjabi name: Siali
- Tamil name: Nilapoosani
- Telugu name: Nelagummuda, Darigummadi
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