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Wisitiria Strawberry Seeds (100 seeds)

Original price was: ₹199.0.Current price is: ₹99.0.

Strawberries are small red fruits with seeds on the skin that are rich in Vitamin C and Iron. Strawberries go well with milkshakes and various other desserts. Try to make your own homemade strawberry desserts with your homegrown strawberries. Try Wisitiria Strawberry Seeds. Also, check out our workshops for more details. 


Number of seeds in a packet – 100

  1. Difficulty Level- High
  2. Full Plant Height- Short (20-30 cm), suitable for container gardening and hanging pots as well.
  3. Fruit Color – Pink to Red
  4. Type – Both indoor and outdoor
  5. Feed – Vermicompost for nutrients every week, Seaweed once a month for greener leaves and Epsom salt for better blooming once a month.
  6. Watering – Regularly (keep the potting mix moist, not soggy)
  7. Sunlight – Full sunlight, or partial indirect sunlight
  8. Stratification or Cold Treatment – Required for at least 2 weeks
  9. Germination Time – 1-2 weeks
  10. Repotting Time – 25 to 30 days (3 true leaf stage)
  11. Flowering Time – 3 months
  12. Harvesting Time – 3 to 4 weeks after flowering
  13. Suitable Temperature – 10 to 27°C
  14. Season – Early winter to late spring
  15. Sowing – September onwards for sub-tropical and tropical regions

Botanical name: Fragaria ananassa
strawberry seed in hindi: Stroberee (स्ट्रॉबेरी )
strawberry seed in tamil: Straberi (ஸ்ட்ராபெரி )
strawberry seed in telugu: Stroberri (స్ట్రాబెర్రీ )
strawberry seed in kannada: Stroberi (ಸ್ಟ್ರಾಬೆರಿ )
strawberry seed in bengali: Straberi (স্ট্রবেরি )
strawberry seed in marathi: Choti (छोटी )
strawberry seed in malayalam: Nāvalppaḻaṁ (ഞാവൽപ്പഴം )
Others mames: Wisitirria strawbarry, Strawberry seeds, strawberi, wisteria, Strawrberry, strawbery

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The sustainability of organic fruit seeds depends on various factors. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Genetic Diversity: Organic fruit seeds contribute to maintaining genetic diversity within plant populations. By preserving a wide range of seed varieties, organic farming helps protect against the loss of genetic resources caused by the uniformity of conventional agriculture.

  2. Non-GMO and Open Pollination: Organic fruit seeds are typically non-genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and are often saved from open-pollinated plants. Open pollination allows for natural cross-pollination and genetic recombination, which helps maintain the resilience and adaptability of plant populations.

  3. Preservation of Heirloom Varieties: Organic farming often emphasizes the cultivation and preservation of heirloom fruit varieties. These traditional varieties often possess unique flavors, nutritional profiles, and adaptability to local growing conditions. By promoting heirloom varieties, organic farming contributes to the conservation of agricultural heritage.

  4. Organic Certification Standards: Organic fruit seeds are produced according to specific organic certification standards. These standards include restrictions on the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and genetically modified organisms. By adhering to these standards, organic farming aims to minimize negative environmental impacts and promote sustainable agriculture practices.

  5. Seed Saving and Exchange: Organic farmers and enthusiasts often engage in seed saving and exchange practices. This involves collecting and saving seeds from open-pollinated plants to use in subsequent growing seasons. Seed saving and exchange contribute to the availability of organic fruit seeds and foster local seed diversity and resilience.

  6. Ecological Farming Practices: Organic farming principles prioritize ecological approaches, such as soil conservation, crop rotation, and natural pest control. These practices contribute to the long-term sustainability of organic fruit seeds by fostering healthy soil ecosystems, reducing reliance on external inputs, and minimizing environmental degradation.

  7. Consumer Demand and Market Support: The sustainability of organic fruit seeds also relies on consumer demand and market support. When consumers prioritize organic products, including fruits grown from organic seeds, it creates a market incentive for farmers to continue producing and preserving organic seed varieties.

It's worth noting that while organic fruit seeds play a role in sustainable agriculture, the overall sustainability of the food system encompasses broader factors, such as transportation, packaging, energy use, and waste management. Organic fruit seeds are just one piece of the larger sustainability puzzle.

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