Ecofirst Services Limited is an unlisted public company incorporated on 15 May, 2008. It is classified as a public limited company and is located in Mumbai City, Maharashtra. It’s authorized share capital is INR 6.00 cr and the total paid-up capital is INR 5.45 cr.
Ecofirst Services Limited’s operating revenues range is INR 1 cr – 100 cr for the financial year ending on 31 March, 2014. It’s EBITDA has decreased by -22.61 % over the previous year. At the same time, it’s book networth has increased by 55.59 %. Other performance and liquidity ratios are available here.
Description:Â The company is a fully owned subsidiary of Tata Consulting Engineers Limited and is a engineering services consulting firm.
Products & Services:Â Total Sustainability Solutions, Energy Management Strategies, Integrated Water Resource Management, Infrastructure and MEP Design Services, Green Building Certification
The current status of Ecofirst Services Limited is – Active.
The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Ecofirst Services Limited, per our records, was held on 05 July, 2022. Also, as per our records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31 March, 2022.
Ecofirst Services Limited has three directors – Amit Sharma, Ramesh Krishnamurthy, and others.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Ecofirst Services Limited is U74900MH2008PLC182240. The registered office of Ecofirst Services Limited is at 1st Floor, 10, Elphinstone Building, Veer Nariman Road, Horniman Circle, Fort,, Mumbai, Mumbai City, Maharashtra.
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